Hi, I’m Taylor. Mom to two beautiful girls, London and Brooklyn.

Why I’m passionate about what I do:

Cue my second daughter, Brooklyn. My sweet girl who would ONLY nap on grandma and would party all night (AKA colic!). The 4-month mark hit, and it was go time. I had already booked a sleep coach and honestly, again, on night 1 Brooklyn slept through the night. We had our life back. I vividly remember my husband popping a bottle of my favorite wine after I exited the nursery.

Why am I telling you so much about my life? Because this ignited my passion to help other families who are struggling. I’ve been there and I swore after having Brooklyn, this was going to become my platform to help other families because no one should be sleep deprived and miserable.

I specialize in gentle sleep training methods. I believe in doing what feels right to you. I have been there, I understand and I want to help you get through what is sometimes, a really hard time during a family’s life.

I want you to get sleep, I want your child to get sleep. And together, we’ll get there. Because…BABIES NEED SLEEP!

I want you to live your best life. And this is the first step.
